Aug 092012

Am I the only one concerned that Google’s latest attempts to improve search involve creating artificial intelligence? Amir Efrati has previously written about this on the Wall Street Journal’s blog, and we get periodic reminders that AI is still a full-steam ahead, top secret project at Google, and that it’ll be the Next Big Thing in search algorithms. The justification, as Efrati’s article describes it, is a better ability to comprehend the vagaries of human language.

“Jaguar” is the example cited in the article–only a thinking computer can figure out if you’re referring to an animal or a car. Scary as sentient computers might sound, what’s particularly cool about this is that language no longer has to matter. Finally, Google’s AI will let us sever ties to the cumbersome roots of words and base their meaning on whatever’s trending these days.

Still, it’s nothing compared to what Google’s actually working on.

Sadly, last night left me little time for bike design, as it involved a meeting about said bike and the complex machinations that are calculating box dimensions so that will be able to ship complete bikes to happy mudlovers without incurring the oversize shipping wrath of UPS. What I need, really, is a computer capable of human thought. And a self-riding bicycle to get me to work.

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