Oct 032012

A tentative meeting to discuss creating Danzig prototypes has been scheduled for this Friday.

What’s that mean? Tough to say. This whole process is largely new to me, and happening at a particularly busy time. All kinds of projects have pulled me away from Danzig over the last six months, but I keep hanging on. The bottom line is that I’ve wanted to see this thing get made since early 2007, and I’m as close as I’ve ever been.

Might end up with some radio silence on Canootervalve while this deal goes down, as it’s only even remotely possible if done while still putting in big hours at two other projects. The ones with paychecks.

A big part of starting this blog was chronicling the development of the suspension system, so I’ll be back with an update as soon as I have more news. Assuming even I can figure out what’s going on.

Going to be one hell of a week.

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